Case Study – Telemar Bridge Electronics Maintenance Contracts
For vessel operators who want to increase predictability in their maintenance spend and outlay on regular service, Telemar provides an integrated offering combining planned maintenance services with onboard servicing and repair. Learn how Telemar supports some leading vessel operators including Candler, Fairplay Towage, NSC-Group and Held Bereederungs.

03.05.2021 – Telemar supports more than 3,000 ships annually with servicing contracts and marine electronics solutions, all designed to improve navigational safety and increase operational efficiency. By striking main service agreements direct with shipowners, Telemar can move service of vital equipment from passive to proactive.
Making this possible is Telemar World Service (TWS), a web-based tool for managing service due dates across the customer’s fleet, increasing visibility, saving time and optimizing vessel availability. All due dates for service and replacement are entered into the TWS, which provides notifications when they are coming near, enabling the owner to co-ordinate the ship visit with Telemar.